
2018 PowerHouse Impact Survey Results

February 20, 2018

Howdy, PowerHouses! It's Maggie, your Program Assistant here.

With our 2018 PowerHouse Impact Survey in the books - I'm happy to say we've gathered-up the responses recieved, and are now ready to share our insights.

1.) When did you first hear about the PowerHouse Montana initiative? How long have you been involved with our group? The majority of respondents had been involved with PowerHouse Montana for multiple (often, consecutive) years - though we did have a few newbies! In addition to this, many members learned about our initiative during past events, including: Innovate Montana Conferences, Equal Pay Summit, (NEW) Montana Leadership Trainings, and the Athena Conference. Social media (Facebook, Instagram) ranked high for contact, as well. 2.) What features, or opportunities, of PowerHouse Montana have you found to be most beneficial in the past? Overwhelmingly, our respondents felt PowerHouse's networking and mentorship potential was the most beneficial takeaway from our monthly meetings; however, close behind were our offered 'Resources and Opportunities', and 'Engaging with News/Upcoming Events'. 3.) What are some future elements/features/topics would you like to see featured and discussed through our PowerHouse Montana meetings, blog posts, and Instagram Takeovers? We received varied answers for this question, including topics such as:
  • Heightened focus on younger women, (20s-30s) who are executives and/or professionals and the challenges they face in the professional sector – additionally engaging the next generation of Montana's girls
  • Opportunities and resources for creative freelancers, including: filmmakers, writers, artists, photographers, designers, etc.
  • (Rural) Community Involvement and Outreach – running for office, commission, or school board
  • How to Make the Ask/Negotiation
  • Focus on Native Women's Voices
  • ‘Me, Too’ Campaign – How to Address Sexual Harassment/Assault in the Professional Realm
  • Requests for PowerHouse Montly Meetings in Missoula, and Bozeman – in addition to Instagram Takeovers from eastern Montana
4.) One of the main goals of PowerHouse Montana is to make resources known, as well as more readily available for Montana women. In regard to this, what resources/information/support would you like to see more of? In regards to this, respondents had more interest in social/physical gatherings and information - in place of online trainings.
Leadership Trainings 73.68%
Volunteer Opportunities 63.16%
Mentors/Mentees 63.16%
Statewide Leadership Resources 57.89%
Networking Opportunities 52.63%
Education/Seminars 52.63%
5.) In light of our technical age, PowerHouse Montana hosts quarterly webinars designed as an additional resource for our members. What kind of topics, discussions, ideas, would you like to be covered by future webinars? In general, members were most involved with the 'connectivity' aspect of PowerHouse - respondents also expressed an interest in leadership and/or assertiveness trainings.
Connecting with Your Community 63.16%
Advancing Negotiation Skills and Pitches 57.89%
Financial Literacy and Independence 57.89%
Supervisor/Management 'How-Tos' 57.89%
Creating a Diverse, All-Inclusive, Work Environment 42.11%
Building a Strong Advisory Team 42.11%
Networking Tips and Tricks 42.11%
6.) A large piece of PowerHouse Montana is networking - because of this, we orchestrate different events around the state, to encourage and engage our users. Typically, what kind of events have you enjoyed in the past, or what events would like to be included in 2018? The largest response by far, was in favor of more frequent, local meetings – the next preferred type was statewide meetings. 7.) In past interactions, have you felt comfortable reaching out to other PowerHouse Montana members? How can we encourage more effective connections in the future? Respondents were split fairly evenly between being able to contact others easily – and also those who thought it was perhaps too easy to ignore messages, or that they wished they had a ‘virtual ice breaker’ before emailing other women. Overall, we see that our members possess a strong desire to make PowerHouse less static, and more dynamic. 8.) On a scale from 1 - 5, how accessible do you find the current PowerHouse Montana webpage to be? Most respondents felt that our webpage was easy to use and access, including our PowerHouse profiles.
  • We did receive multiple requests for a FAQ Page - as well as, to allow members larger accessibility to their personal PowerHouse profiles, (which is something we are absolutely considering for the future, especially as we update our Women's Foundation and PowerHouse Montana webpage systems.)