Otto Bremer Trust Community Responsive Fund

The Otto Bremer Trust was founded in 1944. Since then, it has granted over $1 billion to help further Otto Bremer’s mission in communities across the region.

Responsive Grantmaking

Addressing challenges and opportunities within Montana in partnership with Otto Bremer Trust.

As a trusted partner to the Otto Bremer Trust the Montana Community Foundation (MCF) will grant out $1.5 Million to Montana organizations from the Otto Bremer Trust Community Responsive Fund. This one-year program will support local organizations that are directly responding to immediate challenges in their communities.

Otto Bremer Trust Community Responsive Fund Grantees

The 2024 Grant Cycle is Closed

In 2024, MCF, in partnership with the Otto Bremer Trust, distributed $1.5 million in grants to 36 nonprofit organizations across the state. These grants, ranging from $10,000 to $75,000, support organizations addressing four key areas: Basic Needs, Community Asset Building, Health and Well-Being, and Restorative and Emergency-Responsive programs.

Continue to monitor our website for updates and future funding opportunities.

Elisa Fiaschetti's headshot'

We're Here to Help

For additional help, questions or comments, contact Elisa Fiaschetti, Impact Programs Director.