Partners for Montana's Future
Fulfill your clients' charitable goals and maintain investment advisory capacity.

Through the Montana Community Foundation’s Partners for Montana’s Future (PMF) program, we offer you ways to remain involved in your client’s charitable wishes and maintain investment advisory capacity over the assets. If you have clients who are philanthropically minded, our PMF program is a great way for you to help ensure their charitable goals are met while retaining those assets in your investment portfolio.
PMF General Guidelines
- A $50,000 investment minimum per donor (must be a newly established gift)
- Assets under management from $50,000 to $1,000,000 allow for investment in a portfolio of MCF pre-approved funds
- Assets under management greater than $1,000,000 allow for investment in a portfolio actively managed by the advisor within MCF Investment Policy guidelines
- MCF management fee of 0.25%
Becoming a third-party manager in the PMF program is simple
- Review our PMF Program Summary for information on required terms and criteria
- Complete the PMF Program Partner Application for review and initial approval by MCF finance department
- Upon initial approval, complete the PMF Program Partner Letter of Agreement.
- MCF’s Investment Committee conducts a final review of your application materials and approves acceptance into the program
- At least one client portfolio must be established within first three years to maintain status as a PMF Program Partner
- Interested in learning more? Contact us, today.
View our current program partners.