F. Craig Barber Memorial Alpine Ski Scholarship Fund
Provides annual scholarships to participants in the female alpine ski program at Bridger Ski Foundation.
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In Memory of F. Craig Barber
Remembering Our Dad
Written by daughters Bevin Barber-Campbell, Megan Barber Allende, Tara Poseley, and Deedee Combs.
As a feminist and father to four daughters, our dad believed that girls could do anything. He encouraged us to push ourselves as athletes and to believe in our abilities no matter what we did. He was a huge fan of female athletes and strong women.
As a parent, he followed the principle that if his daughter thought she should attempt some physical stunt, he should let her do it. That includes the time Tara jumped out of the second-story hayloft door of our garage- and landed it. That must be why, shortly after, he enrolled her in ski racing.
Our dad was an avid skier and taught us to love the sport on the hills of Minnesota. Every Saturday, he shepherded us to Blizzard Ski School, where he was a Professional Ski Instructor for many years. He also encouraged two of us to become Buck Hill ski racers.
His spirit will delight in knowing that for many years to come female athletes will be supported through this scholarship fund as they break the speed and gender barriers on the ski hill.
We love you, Dad, and are so grateful that you encouraged us in life and sports, and instilled in us a lifelong love of skiing.