Capital High School Alumni Class of 1981 Memorial Scholarship
Helping Generations of Bruins Pursue Their Academic Dreams

The Capital High School Alumni Class of 1981 established this scholarship fund at the Montana Community Foundation (MCF) to annually provide a scholarship to a graduating senior at Capital High School in Helena who has demonstrated financial need and/or a combination of academic and extracurricular merit and is pursuing post-secondary education.
What is an Endowment?
An endowment is a fund held in perpetuity for charitable benefit. In the case of the Capital High School Alumni Class of 1981 Memorial Scholarship, the fund will support generations of graduating seniors at Capital High School through annual scholarships. As the fund grows, returns are used to support the scholarship. An endowment can be funded by a variety of assets such as cash, property, or securities.
How to Give to the Fund:
- Give online using the form below.
- Mail checks to:
Montana Community Foundation
FBO Capital High School Alumni Class of 1981 Memorial Scholarship
PO Box 1145
Helena, MT 59624 - If you'd like to reduce your Montana income taxes, contact us about making a planned gift.