Impact Programs
Our Impact Programs are the cornerstone of the Montana Community Foundation. The demonstrate our commitment to addressing Montana’s pressing challenges. Through our impact areas- Education, Equity & Culture; Community & Economic Vitality; Land & Resiliency; and Health & Well-being - we make significant investments in Montana communities, fostering an environment where individuals, organizations, and communities can all thrive.
Interested in connecting with a Philanthropy professional to explore funds to make an impactful gift to? Visit our philanthropy staff page to find a member near you.

Education, Equity, & Culture
This impact area is dedicated to creating inclusive, equitable opportunities that empower all Montanans to succeed.
- Scholarships – Supporting students in their pursuit of education and career growth.
- Grants – Funding opportunities related to education, equity, and culture.
- Women’s Foundation of Montana – A permanent resource for gender equity in Montana.

Community & Economic Vitality
Focused on fostering strong, resilient communities, this impact area supports local economic growth and community development initiatives.
- Local Community Foundations – Strengthening local community foundations that are vital to thriving communities.
- Reimagining Rural – Empowering rural areas with innovative strategies, education and leadership.
- Community Heart & Soul – Engaging residents in shaping the future of their communities.
- Grants – Funding opportunities related to community and economic vitality.

Land & Resiliency
Committed to bolstering community resilience and preserving Montana’s landscapes, this impact area addresses the challenges of an evolving environment.
- Resiliency & Disaster Response – Providing timely resources and support to communities in times of need.
- Grants – Funding opportunities related to land and resiliency.

Health & Well-being
Dedicated to enhancing community health, this impact area supports increased access to healthcare, mental health resources, and wellness programs across Montana.
- Grants – Funding opportunities related to health and well-being.

Impact Investing
The Impact Investing program provides investment capital to organizations for initiatives that align with MCF’s impact areas.

We're Here to Help
For additional help, questions or comments, contact Elisa Fiaschetti, Impact Programs Director.