2024 Otto Bremer Trust Community Responsive Fund Grantees
2024 Grantees by Funding Priority
- Organization: Arlee Community Development Corporation
- Overview: Support a new Food Resource Center Manager position and enhance Food Sovereignty initiatives
- Serving: Lake, Mineral, and Sanders Counties
Amount: $45,000
- Organization: Billings District Council of the Society of St. Vincent De Paul
- Overview: Help unhoused friends suffering housing-related emergencies with nowhere to turn
- Serving: Yellowstone County
Amount: $50,000
- Organization: Central Montana Community Cupboard
- Overview: Sustain and increase food supply; maintain the cupboard's solvency
- Serving: Fergus, Judith Basin, Petroleum, and Wheatland Counties
Amount: $10,000
- Organization: Custer County Food Bank, Inc
- Overview: Operation expenses to continue to serve 375 families
- Serving: Custer, Prairie, and Rosebud Counties
Amount: $10,000
- Organization: Harvest Food Pantry Inc.
- Overview: Meet the needs of their food-insecure community members
- Serving: Glacier County
Amount: $25,000
- Organization: Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies, The Montana Coalition, Inc.
- Overview: Support the Essentials program
- Serving: Statewide
Amount: $35,000
- Organization: Helena Indian Alliance
- Overview: Assistance program for tribal members served by Helena Indian Alliance
- Serving: Broadwater, Jefferson, and Lewis and Clark Counties
Amount: $25,000
- Organization: Human Resource Development Council of District IX, Inc.
- Overview: Shelter unhoused individuals in the most dignified and human-centered manner possible
- Serving: Gallatin, Meagher, and Park Counties
Amount: $50,000
- Organization: Libby Food Pantry
- Overview: Provides food for eligible individuals and families in need without discrimination
- Serving: Libby, MT
Amount: $10,000
- Organization: Montana Continuum of Care Coalition
- Overview: Youth homelessness
- Serving: Statewide
Amount: $30,000
- Organization: North Valley Food Bank
- Overview: Will be able to provide fresh and nutritious food to community members living in food deserts across Lincoln County year-round
- Serving: Lincoln County
Amount: $65,000
- Organization: Ronan Bread Basket
- Overview: Continue to maintain a supply of healthy food for the families in their community
- Serving: Lake County
Amount: $25,000
- Organization: Shelter Solutions for Central Montana
- Overview: Provide a sustainable, safe, seasonal warming center that meets the evolving needs of the community
- Serving: Fergus County
- Amount: $17,000
- Organization: Anaconda PCA Family Resource Center
- Overview: The Anaconda Family Resource Center (AFRC) is dedicated to the health and well-being of children experiencing abuse and neglect.
- Serving: Deer Lodge, Granite, and Powell Counties
Amount: $25,000
- Organization: Boys & Girls Club of the Northern Cheyenne Nation
- Overview: Evidence-based programs that provide opportunities for youth to receive academic and social enrichment
- Serving: Big Horn and Rosebud Counties
Amount: $50,000
- Organization: Bridgercare
- Overview: Providing excellent, affordable reproductive and sexual healthcare and education in Montana
- Serving: Beaverhead, Broadwater, Carbon, Cascade, Chouteau, Custer, Dawson, Deer Lodge, Fallon, Fergus, Flathead, Gallatin, Garfield, Glacier, Valley, Granite, Hill, Jefferson, Judith Basin, Lake, Lewis and Clark, Lincoln, Madison, McCone, Meagher, Mineral, Missoula, Park, Petroleum, Powder River, Prairie, Ravalli, Richland, Roosevelt, Rosebud, Sanders, Silver Bow, Stillwater, Teton, Wheatland, Wibaux, Yellowstone
Amount: $50,000
- Organization: Butte Native Wellness Center
- Overview: Implement a new youth program to serve the American Indian and Alaska Native communities of Butte, Montana, and the surrounding areas
- Serving: Beaverhead, Deer Lodge, Madison, Powell, and Silver Bow
Amount: $50,000
- Organization: Fallon County Mental Health Council/Southeast MT Area Revitalization Team
- Overview: Make mental health services more accessible to all residents of Fallon County, particularly those in rural and underserved areas,
- Serving: Fallon County
Amount: $50,000
- Organization: Friends of the Children - Western Montana
- Overview: Address the community-wide mental health and wellness crisis on the Flathead Reservation
- Serving: Lake, Missoula, and Ravalli Counties,
Amount: $50,000
- Organization: Indian Family Health Clinic
- Overview: Offers culturally rooted educational experiences and indigenized health programming, aiming to improve quality of life and longevity
- Serving: Cascade, Chouteau, Glacier, Hill, Liberty, Pondera, Teton, and Toole Counties
Amount: $45,000
- Organization: Messengers for Health
- Overview: Providing transportation to health and wellness appointments for Apsáalooke tribal members in Southeast Montana
- Serving: Big Horn County
Amount: $15,000
- Organization: Salish Kootenai College
- Overview: Prioritize delivering culturally competent, trauma-informed care, fostering meaningful community partnerships to mitigate mental health risks, and bolstering the wellness of the SKC student body
- Serving: Flathead, Lake, Missoula, and Sanders
Amount: $25,000
- Organization: The Rural Behavioral Health Institute
- Overview: Screening Linked to Care (SLTC), an innovative suicide prevention program for youth grades 6-12
- Serving: Statewide
- Amount: $40,000
- Organization: Evergreen Kids Corner Inc
- Overview: The Bitterroot Childcare Coalition seeks to address the pressing need for affordable and accessible childcare in the Bitterroot Valley
- Serving: Ravalli County
Amount: $55,000
- Organization: Helena Area Habitat for Humanity
- Overview: To complete 20-25 repairs in FY2025 with the goal of increasing production to complete at least 75 home repairs every year by the year 2030
- Serving: Broadwater, Jefferson, and Lewis And Clark Counties
Amount: $50,000
- Organization: Montana Childcare Resource and Referral Network
- Overview: Improve high-quality childcare access by enhancing the sustainability and growth of existing and new childcare access
- Serving: Statewide
Amount: $75,000
- Organization: NeighborWorks Great Falls
- Overview: To expand the current matched savings program to rural communities in Hill County and the Golden Triangle to help individuals and families achieve homeownership and create financial stability
- Serving: Blaine, Cascade, Chouteau, Hill, Liberty, Pondera, and Teton Counties
Amount: $50,000
- Organization: The Peoples Partners for Community Development
- Overview: Assist their lending circle capacity by building assets for the Northern Cheyenne and Crow Communities
- Serving: Big Horn and Rosebud Counties
Amount: $75,000
- Organization: Winnett ACES, Inc
- Overview: Active in implementing community asset-building projects through creating workforce housing, economic opportunities, a business incubator, and opening a daycare
- Serving: Fergus, Garfield, Golden, Musselshell, Petroleum, and Wheatland
- Amount: $25,000
- Organization: ASPEN Abuse Support & Prevention Education Network
- Overview: Provide 50 criminal justice support services and 300 civil legal services to victims and survivors from July 2024 through June 2025.
- Serving: Statewide
Amount: $25,000
- Organization: FAST Blackfeet
- Overview: Improving food security, providing nutrition education, and promoting food sovereignty within the Blackfeet Nation
- Serving: Glacier and Pondera Counties
Amount: $75,000
- Organization: Mountain Shadow Association
- Overview: Offers struggling Apsáalooke families a path to heal and repair the harms caused by generations of trauma
- Serving: Big Horn County
Amount: $75,000
- Organization: Native American Development Corporation
- Overview: NADC seeks to develop a Client Assistance Fund to mitigate unforeseen, crisis and emergent financial hardships associated with basic living needs, health and wellness, and restorative and emergency responsiveness that lend to various inequities
- Serving: Big Horn, Carbon, Roosevelt, Rosebud, Treasure, and Yellowstone Counties
Amount: $61,000
- Organization: SAFE Harbor
- Overview: For survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, stalking, and child abuse, the barriers they encounter; emotionally, physically, and systemically, can leave them unable to move forward
- Serving: Flathead, Lake, Missoula, and Sanders Counties
Amount: $30,000
- Organization: Violence Free Crisis Line DBA Abbie Shelter
- Overview: Provides services for survivors of intimate partner and sexual violence
- Serving: Flathead, Glacier, Lake, Lincoln, and Sanders Counties
Amount: $61,000
- Organization: YWCA Billings
- Overview: Connecting victims with the most critical resources needed to aid them in their recovery
- Serving: Big Horn and Yellowstone Counties
- Amount: $61,000

2024 Funding Priorities:
- Basic Needs
The Basic Needs funding priority supports organizations assisting displaced individuals or those encountering various challenges in their journey toward self-sufficiency. These grants include those that focus on short-term assistance. - Community Asset Building
The funding priority for Community Asset Building includes a variety of investments, all with a central focus on strengthening community assets. - Health and Wellbeing
The Health and Wellbeing funding priority seeks to help increase the well-being of adults and youth. - Restorative and Emergency Responsive
The priority of Restorative and Emergency Responsive focuses on assisting organizations dedicated to restoring stability for individuals and families encountering disruptive forces in life.