Colstrip Impacts Foundation

About the Foundation

The Colstrip Impacts Foundation (CIF) was established at the Montana Community Foundation (MCF) in 2019 and is guided by a group of dedicated residents who are committed to serving the Colstrip community today, with a long-term view of how to positively impact the future of Colstrip.

CIF opened the Colstrip Impacts Foundation at the Montana Community Foundation with three distinct goals in mind:

  • Look toward the future for Colstrip. Invest in the community at the city, county, and regional levels to ensure community members have access to the services they need, such as quality healthcare and education, during this time of transition and beyond.
  • Support workers and their families. Provide resources to support learning opportunities and training for current community members.
  • Further economic development. Supplement economic development by stabilizing the tax base and ensuring essential services and businesses remain in the region as the economy and residents redefine their future.

The volunteer-led CIF committee is responsible for grantmaking from two funds at MCF- $2.5 million in a permanent fund and $7.5 million in a nonpermanent fund- received as a result of the Puget Sound Energy rate case settlement with the State of Montana.

In the settlement, PSE agreed to set aside $10 million to fund community development and other impacts to the Colstrip area.

CIF Committee Members

  • Ed Joiner, Chair, County government representative
  • Greg Koczur, City of Colstrip representative
  • Stacey Yates, Local workforce representative from the Colstrip Power Plant, Local 1638
  • Rick McCulloch, local workforce representative from the mine, Local 400
  • Jim Atchison, representing the Certified Regional Development Corporation
  • Sabrina Neiman and Duane Ankney, representing the community at large

Colstrip Impacts Foundation Grants