Lincoln County Community Foundation

About the Foundation
The Lincoln County Community Foundation (LCCF) is an affiliate of the Montana Community Foundation with a dual mission to enhance community vitality and endowed philanthropy. We are committed to using the resources entrusted to us for funding the highest quality projects throughout Lincoln County. We also aim to be a catalyst, providing a needed source of funds to help nonprofit organizations explore or undertake new work to do more effectively what they are already doing.
The Lincoln County Community Foundation seeks projects that have both a tangible impact on our communities and strengthens their capacity to address the future.
2024 Grant Cycle
The grant cycle to apply for funding from the Lincoln County Community Foundation is August 1 - August 31, 2024. Local 501c3 organizations and government entities are eligible to apply. Mail the completed application to the Lincoln County Community Foundation (LCCF) at P.O. Box 490, Libby, MT 59923. The application must be postmarked by August 31, 2024, to be considered. Learn more and apply by clicking on the application below.
The 2024 Grant Cycle is open between August 1 - August 31, 2024.
Lincoln County Community Foundation was established in December 1995 with a $5,000 gift from Plum Creek Timber Company to attract endowment gifts for Lincoln County. This “savings account” will help provide for the future needs of our communities by reinforcing local determination, meeting changing needs, and paying dividends in perpetuity to address community priorities. Annual earnings on the endowed fund support a variety of projects through grantmaking.
Through a series of funding-raising events and publicity, the endowment fund principal has grown and now allows more than $9,000 annually for grants. The LCCF has been able to give grants approaching $200,000 to qualified projects in Lincoln County since 2000 when granting began.
- Betty Jo Wood, President
- James Seifert, Secretary-Treasurer
- Paula Darko-Hensler
- Allison Lundin
- Tyler Boswell
- Bernie Cassidy
- Amelia Smart
- Linda Gerard
How to Give or Learn More
Contributions can be mailed to:
1202 Idaho Ave, Libby, MT 59923
Contact us:
(406) 293-1034
(406) 283-1443
- Organization: Kootenai Pets for Life
- Overview: To repair the shed roof
- Amount: $930.00
- Organization: Kootenai River Network, Inc.
- Overview: For the water trail on the Kootenai River
- Amount: $1,000.00
- Organization: Libby Community Inter Agencies Inc/Domestic Violence Shelter
- Overview: For a new heat exchanger for the safe house
- Amount: $4,500.00
- Organization: Libby Area Chamber of Commerce
- Overview: To purchase computer, printer, and supplies for the Farmers Market Committee
- Amount: $1,500.00
- Organization: Senior Citizens of Lincoln County
- Overview: For restroom repair and restoration
- Amount: $2,375.00
- Organization: Lincoln County Public Libraries
- Overview: For the Early Literacy Program
- Amount: $2,000.00
- Organization: Bears N Stuff
- Overview: To purchase supplies for the "BEARS" project
- Amount: $1,000.00
- Organization: Kootenai Heritage Council
- Overview: To purchase a new kitchen range for Memorial Center's kitchen remodel
- Amount: $5,000.00
- Organization: Our Kids
- Overview: To purchase gifts for Our Kids Christmas
- Amount: $2,000.00
- Organization: Troy Chamber of Commerce
- Overview: To purchase an enclosed display board
- Amount: $250.00
- Organization: Troy Museum and Visitor Center
- Overview: To wire a third exhibit building and construct an ADA boardwalk
- Amount: $1,500.00
- Organization: Yaak Food Cupboard
- Overview: To purchase food supplies
- Amount: $1,000.00
- Organization: Troy Public School
- Overview: To build a new track and field facility
- Amount: $1,500.00
- Organization: Morrison Backpacks
- Overview: To provide support for the Backpack Program 2023/2024
- Amount: $2,000.00
- Organization: Troy Food Pantry
- Overview: To purchase food for the food pantry
- Amount: $2,000.00
- Organization: Troy Farmers Market
- Overview: To revamp signage for the farmer's market
- Amount: $965.00
- Organization: Libby Food Pantry
- Overview: To provide support for the food pantry
- Amount: $3,000.00
- Organization: Tobacco Valley Animal Shelter
- Overview: To revitalize the animal shelter
- Amount: $2,500.00
- Organization: MSU Extension-Lincoln County
- Overview: For the fresh produce subscription program
- Amount: $2,000.00
- Organization: Libby Area Chamber of Commerce
- Overview: Funding for a Market Manager for the Farmers Market at Libby
- Amount: $500.00
- Organization: Lincoln County Public Libraries
- Overview: To establish a Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library
- Amount: $1,000.00
- Organization: U Serve Libby, Inc.
- Overview: To upgrade the bathrooms at the tennis court
- Amount: $2,500.00
- Organization: Bull Lake Rod & Gun Club
- Overview: To upgrade docks on Bull Lake property
- Amount: $1,500.00
- Organization: Our Kids
- Overview: To purchase gifts for kids for the Christmas program for South Lincoln County
- Amount: $1,500.00
- Organization: Morrison Backpacks
- Overview: To provide support for the Backpack Program 2022/2023
- Amount: $2,000.00
- Organization: Kiwanis Foundation of Montana
- Overview: To purchase coats and winter clothing for kids
- Amount: $2,400.00
- Organization: Troy/Lake Creek Television District
- Overview: To purchase a secondary source of heat in the Transmission station
- Amount: $2,000.00
- Organization: Libby Heritage Museum
- Overview: Roof replacement for the Libby Heritage Museum
- Amount: $10,000.00
- Organization: City of Troy
- Overview: To improve the Splash Pad
- Amount: $1,000.00
- Organization: Troy Farmers Market
- Overview: Kid's Corner at farmers market
- Amount: $500.00
- Organization: Kootenai Pets for Life
- Overview: To support the spay and neuter program
- Amount: $1,000.00
- Organization: Troy Chamber of Commerce
- Overview: To purchase chairs for the 4th of July celebration
- Amount: $500.00
- Organization: Troy Public School
- Overview: To support engineering for a new athletic track
- Amount: $500.00
- Organization: Troy Public School
- Overview: For band instrument project
- Amount: $1,000.00
- Organization: Libby Heritage Museum
- Overview: Roof replacement for the Libby Heritage Museum
- Amount: $2,000.00
- Organization: Lincoln County Public Libraries
- Overview: To purchase 1,000 books for KND program
- Amount: $1,000.00
- Organization: U Serve Libby, Inc.
- Overview: To install lighting for courts and toilets
- Amount: $1,500.00
- Organization: City of Troy
- Overview: To finish third exhibit building at museum
- Amount: $500.00
- Organization: Lincoln County Unite for Youth
- Overview: To support mountain bike program
- Amount: $500.00
- Organization: Cabinet Peaks Medical Center
- Overview: To purchase an updated D&C machine in surgery
- Amount: $1,000.00
- Organization: Troy Food Pantry
- Overview: To support the food pantry
- Amount: $1,500.00
- Organization: Troy Public School
- Overview: To support engineering study for track complex
- Amount: $1,500.00
- Organization: Troy Chamber of Commerce
- Overview: To purchase banners for the town's 4th of July Celebration
- Amount: $500.00
- Organization: City of Troy
- Overview: To add an exit door to the museum
- Amount: $1,000.00
- Organization: Kootenai Cross-Country Ski Club, Inc.
- Overview: To purchase skis to be loaned out to youth in need
- Amount: $1,000.00
- Organization: Libby Community Inter Agencies Inc/Domestic Violence Shelter
- Overview: To purchase freezers for Safe Houses
- Amount: $1,000.00
- Organization: Kootenai Pets for Life
- Overview: To rehome dogs from Browning to Lincoln County
- Amount: $500.00
- Organization: Troy Farmers Market
- Overview: To purchase tokens and office supplies
- Amount: $1,000.00