In the Community

Missoula Law Firm Provides Legal Assistance to MMIP Families

June 14, 2021

NO-COST LEGAL ADVOCACY FOR FAMILIES IMPACTED BY THE MMIP EPIDEMICKimberly Dudik & Associates (KDA) has launched a no-cost legal advocacy program to assist Indigenous families when an individual goes or has been missing.

Services include:

  1. Legal representation by an attorney and legal advice related to the missing person investigation.
  2. Legal correspondence relating to the missing person investigation.
  3. Obtaining available information and records related to the missing person investigation
  4. Serving as a referral source.
  5. In coordination and collaboration with existing entities and involved individuals, advocating for changes needed to better respond to and prevent MMIP cases.

The mission is to ensure that equal access to justice becomes a reality for all Indigenous families with missing family members. This program works to eliminate barriers to the efficient and effective delivery of legal advocacy caused by a lack of resources. This is done by providing legal advocacy through the services of a licensed Montana attorney to work with families to help them navigate the legal and law enforcement realms when dealing with a missing person situation. KDA is a partner of the Snowbird Fund, a charitable fund of the Montana Community Foundation that provides direct assistance to families conducting community searches for missing Indigenous people in Montana. Learn more at What is the cost for assistance?KDA has established a partnership with the Snowbird Fund and the Public Policy Institute of the Rockies to provide financial assistance for the services. What types of legal cases does the MMIP Legal Advocacy Program provide assistance with?

  1. Criminal case: Represent the family of a missing person as a crime victim’s attorney.
  2. Civil case: Represent family to recover damages or ensure proper legal procedures are followed regarding a missing person.
  3. Investigations: Ongoing investigations and needing help with instances of missing individuals is sufficient to qualify for assistance.

How can I find out more information or receive assistance? Email us at or reach out by telephone at 406-545-2043.