Foundation News

The Critical Need for a Will

July 25, 2024

August is Make A Will month

By 2030, an estimated $37 billion will transfer from one generation to the next in Montana. By taking the time to create a will, you not only provide for your loved ones but also ensure that the charitable causes you care about receive support. 

Unfortunately, many people postpone or avoid creating a will altogether. In fact, 70% of Montanans die without a will. Without a will, the state determines how assets are distributed, which may not reflect your values or wishes. This can lead to family disputes during an already challenging time, adding unnecessary stress to grieving loved ones. By creating a will, you maintain control over your legacy and protect your family from potential conflicts.  

A will ensures your loved ones are taken care of while providing a unique opportunity to leave a legacy through charitable giving. If each Montanan committed just 5% to charitable endowments in their will, an incredible $83 million would be available annually to support Montana charities forever. Imagine the transformational impact this could have on our communities!  

By including charitable organizations or causes that matter to you in your will, you create a lasting legacy that continues to support your philanthropic goals for generations. The charitable gift you leave can change lives and inspire future generations. 

Additionally, creating a will can help minimize taxes and legal fees, ensuring that your loved ones receive the maximum benefit from your hard work. Thoughtful planning can save your family from financial strain during difficult times, allowing them to focus on what truly matters. 

Ultimately, having a will is about peace of mind. It reassures you that your affairs are in order and sets a clear course for the future. It also encourages meaningful conversations with loved ones about your wishes and values. 

Regardless of wealth, each of us can leave a legacy. With proper planning, we can provide for those we love while supporting our charities and community. It all starts with a little preparation. 

Creating a will protects your legacy, cares for your loved ones, and promotes charitable giving. Start by reaching out to one of Montana’s amazing estate attorneys or visiting MSU Extensions website where they have fantastic estate planning resources.